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April 2024 Health Newsletter

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Stuart Family Chiropractic Center

Dr. Leon Gonyo D.C. F.I.A.M.A.

�Shelly Gonyo B.S. M.T.

6094 SE Federal Hwy.

Stuart, Florida

Ph:� (772)781-0193 Fax: (772)781-0197



Dr. Leon & Shelly Gonyo of Stuart Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center wish to announce the introduction of the New (DTS) SPINAL DECOMPRESSION THERAPY SYSTEM of treatment.� We are thrilled to offer this treatment to our community because of the great results our patients can receive along with the many other chiropractic methods we offer in our office. Relief can even be in as little as five treatments, however being regular with your prescribed treatments is very important as an injured spinal disc needs time to heal.�


We want everyone to know that this state of the art equipment can be used to relieve peripheral radiation/sciatica and pain associated with Protruding Discs, Bulging Disc, Herniated Disc, Degenerative Disc Disease, Posterior Facet Syndrome, Acute Facet Problems, Radicular Pain, Spinal Root Impingement, Hypomobility, Degenerative Joint Disease, Spinal Stenosis and much, much more.


Research points to the benefits of SPINAL DECOMPRESSION THERAPY because it can distract joint surface, reduce protrusion of the nuclear discal material, stretch soft-tissue muscles and mobilize joints.� These effects provide many patients with pain relief from spinal dysfunction. ��The Mayo Clinic also estimates that a staggering 80% of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their life.� In fact, the cost of treating spinal dysfunction has grown to $50 billion annually.� As a result, the patients, clinicians and third party payers are now demanding less invasive, less expensive, non-pharmacological solutions to back pa


Finally, all body systems must work together in concert for optimum health so we also recommend nutritional and lifestyle advice as well as an at-home exercise program.� As you become more mobile and more able to return to your normal lifestyle, your increased activity is what your spine needs most.� If you are one of the 80% of Americans who currently suffer from back pain and are looking for an alternative to surgery, give us a call and let's see how we can help you.� Relief can be a phone call away 772-781-0193.�





We look forward to helping you not only relieving you of your pain but to increase your overall health and wellness.




Dr. Leon & Shelly Gonyo

Current Articles

» Exploring the Evidence: Chiropractic Care for Back and Neck Pain Relief

Exploring the Evidence: Chiropractic Care for Back and Neck Pain Relief

For those individuals grappling with chronic back or neck pain, finding effective relief can be a daunting challenge. In the pursuit of alleviating discomfort and improving quality of life, chiropractic care should be at the top of the list. But what does the evidence say about its efficacy? Let's briefly review just some of the research to understand the role of chiropractic care in addressing musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain and neck pain.

Chiropractic care is founded on the principle that proper alignment of the spine is essential for overall health and well-being. Practitioners, known as doctors of chiropractic (DCs) or chiropractors, employ hands-on spinal manipulation and other manual techniques to adjust vertebral misalignments (subluxations) and restore proper function to the musculoskeletal system. While chiropractic treatment has been traditionally sought for back and neck pain relief, its effectiveness has been the subject of numerous studies and clinical trials.

One of the most comprehensive reviews of chiropractic care for back pain was conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ("Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (2017"). Noninvasive treatments for low back pain.). Their analysis of available evidence concluded that spinal manipulation—the primary treatment modality in chiropractic care—was effective in reducing acute low back pain and improving function. Additionally, the AHRQ found that chiropractic care was associated with fewer adverse effects compared to other treatments such as medication or surgery.

Furthermore, research published in reputable medical journals supports the efficacy of chiropractic care for both acute and chronic back pain. A study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics found that patients with chronic low back pain who received chiropractic spinal manipulation experienced greater pain relief and functional improvement compared to those who received standard medical care.

Similarly, chiropractic care has shown effective in managing neck pain, which often stems from poor posture, muscle strain, or cervical spine misalignments. A systematic review published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics concluded that spinal manipulation performed by chiropractors was effective in reducing neck pain intensity and improving function. Moreover, a randomized controlled trial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine ("Annals of Internal Medicine, 156(1_Part_1), 1-10.") found that spinal manipulation combined with exercise was more effective in reducing neck pain than medication alone.

For those considering chiropractic care for back or neck pain relief, the evidence supporting its effectiveness is substantial and continues to grow. From reducing pain intensity to improving function and overall quality of life, chiropractic treatment offers a non-invasive and drug-free approach to managing back and neck pain and dysfunction as well as many other musculoskeletal conditions. By staying informed and seeking care from reputable chiropractic practitioners, prospective patients can take proactive steps towards finding lasting relief.


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